The art of storytelling

The art of storytelling


One of the best skills you can enhance today is how to structure a good story for your audience. Storytelling is one of the tools used to tell something in an interesting and exciting way. It is about telling or explaining a linear theme that has a significant meaning, emotions, and connection with your target audience. 

What’s the use of telling a good story?

Life is full of stories, tales, and conversations. Every experience we go through, even if it’s a trip or an anecdote, represents a story that deserves to be told attractively and excitingly to our co-workers, friends, and even to our customers (in case of selling a product or service).

According to experts, our attention span only lasts 5 minutes, which is why it becomes difficult to get our audience to pay attention to us in such a short time. For this reason, it is important to know how to attract it in a significant way.

Storytelling becomes a powerful tool to capture the attention of our target audience. It’s about being able to understand that behind a great story there is meaning, emotions, and feelings that may arise.

A great example is Pinocchio, the 2022 film, produced by Disney, a live action and adaptation of a story that we all know, but this time was forgettable, its versus however, the Netflix production, by Mexican director Guillermo Del Toro, made in Stop-Motion, told in a different way, left another kind of emotions and a message to the audience. The way this film was narrated led it to be remembered by most of the public and nominated for the 2023 Oscar Awards. In this sense, we have two films with the same story, one critically acclaimed and the other being forgotten, taking the role of more of the same.


If we take storytelling to other areas, for example businesses, the user experience and interaction can result in the understanding and feeling of added value, which will surely be a relevant decision-making influence when selecting to acquire something.

In an existent context, when acquiring a product or a service we could consider two equal or similar businesses where they have the same offer, the one that provides an extra value will make a differentiation. You can sell your product or service by generating a good storytelling.

We want to share with you, some steps that will help you create a good Storytelling of your products or services:

  1. Plan before starting to post a video or an image, this means defining the objective of your story; what do you want to achieve with it? Identify the audience, for what type of entrepreneurs? Empathize with them.
  2. Define a script. The script must have the fundamental elements of a story; this means a presentation, a narrative, a development and an outcome.
  3. Use fascinating characters and settings. These must be attractive and make your audience feel represented. For example, if your audience is interested in tourism, use places or characters from the tourist environment; it will keep them interested.
  4. Incorporate the emotions and message you want. This is a big part of a well narrated story. It plays with the language of the audience. Use your own simple language.
  5. Use an understandable narrative: your audience must be able to understand the story and it must be easy to remember. Don’t forget that our attention rate longs aproximately 5 minutes.
  6. Practice storytelling. It is a skill that any entrepreneur or salesperson must have and will be developed with practice, the more practice, the better you will be at telling stories and closing deals.

These are some tips to tell a story fascinatingly and excitingly; you can use them in a pitch or creating a graphic piece, a video, or any kind of media. It is worth recalling that each communication has a receiver, and the more you connect with that it, the clearer and more effective the message will be.

At Boost Business Consulting, we have the ideal creative  team that will undoubtedly help you create a digital strategy that connects with your customer. If you want to know more about this service and others that we have, enter here:

Cristian Leonardo Rincón Bernal
Consultant at innovation and business
Boost business consulting

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