Where does Service Design come from, and how is it applied?

Where does Service Design come from, and how is it applied?

Where does Service Design come from, and how is it applied?

To solve these questions, it is necessary first conceive, What is Service Design? We must say that it is a method that seeks to improve user experience and customer satisfaction. It aims to understand the needs and expectations of customers and then create a service that meets those needs.

On the other hand, Service Design arises from the unsatisfied needs of consumers. These needs are usually, for example, the absence of timely attention to a complaint filed by a person, which has not been resolved within the established times, or the poor service received when purchasing a product or service.

Service design

Well, having the concept clear, more questions arise, such as ‘how to apply this to my company’ and what aspects I must take into account to implement it. In that order of ideas, the Service Design is now applied to bear in mind:

  1. Diagnosis: This is a global procedure of activities within the company. 
  2. Findings and sources of opportunities: it’s this place where we can generate design and value. 
  3. Ideation: here is possible to offer alternatives, improvements, and feasibility. 
  4. Opportunities for automation and transformation: taking into account the viability and the resources that the company has and must have. 
  5. Prototyping: here is the learning up to 10 interactions. 
  6. Testing adjustment: here is possible to make the necessary adjustments according to the learning. 
  7. Design: this is the roadmap, where is possible the implementation and transfer. 

To achieve Service Design, companies must have a multidisciplinary team of professionals. In this team of professionals, creativity, and empathy must triumph, since it is necessary to put yourself in the place of the clients and think like them.

At Boost Business Consulting, we have precisely the people with those characteristics and skills. If you want to know more about this service, enter here.

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